
Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results

Considering Upload Times · 5:10am Mar 19th, 2018

Howdy everypony. Yes, I already DID release a Blog introducing myself, but I felt as if I wasn't really clear about my upload times. So I'll get that out of the way and use this Blog to inform every reader about how my upload times vary.

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Upload Schedule: The Third Duel · 12:52pm Jan 28th, 2016

I've received complaints on my upload schedule, and trust me, I know it's terrible! This will be fixed with the upload of the next chapter; what I've done is taken my vacation time I had off, put away all games, and locked myself away with nothing but inspiration (mostly music), and have typed the next few chapters that will be uploaded. So now, I will always be ahead in case I "fall behind" like this again and take a whole month to upload. With having the next few chapters laid out,

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I'm such a liar! · 3:59pm Feb 8th, 2016

I lied; I won't be updating The Third Duel every 7-10 days, as I've just realized. But, on the bright side, I will provide new content every 7-10 days. Toodles, and enjoy my latest story.


Right, So Upload Time... Still Figuring Things Out. · 12:41am Feb 21st, 2016

Okay, so I've tried the 7-10 day upload time, but between all these AP Classes I have and social life/games, I don't really have time to upload any new content so frequently. As such, I am now going to try to work within the range of 12-16 days upload time, to allow myself to write at least 10,000 words.

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Viewing 1 - 4 of 4 results